14.2 piWebCAT - support - supply of SD card and PCB
Configurations on RPi micro SD card
piWebCAT direct control has been developed using only four radios:
- Yaesu FTdx101D ASCII text configuration (as used in modern Yaesu, Kenwood, Elecraft)
- Icom IC7000 CIV - Icom CI-V configuration
- Yaesu FT847 YAESU5 configuration - Older Yaesu '5 byte' radios.
- Yaesu FT920 YAESU5 configuration - Older Yaesu '5 byte' radios.
The can be used as templates for control of other similar radios.
piWebCAT via Hamlib rigctl has been configured for:
- Yaesu FTdx10D
- Icom IC7000
- Generic transceivers: Transceiver-H-A, Transceiver-H-B and Transceiver-H-C
These are an evolving progressive build from A to C used in the learning guide.
They provide a template for Hamlib control of any one of Hamlib's 250 supported radios.
Support group
We need a support /messaging group to deal with any problems arising from
operational issues, radio compatibility and development ideas.
Also, using MySQL Front, it is possible to share configuration data.
I have set up a support group at piwebcat@groups.io
Micro SD card, PCB or PCB kit available from G3VPX:
piWebCAT bare PCB @ £4.00 including p&p
piWebCAT PCB kit of parts + PCB @£15.00 including p&p
Preconfigured 16Gbyte fast class10 micro SD card @ £7.50 including p&p
Zipped SD card image on DVD (Created with Win32 Disk Imager) @ £4.00 including p&p
Please email using piwebcat@g3vpx.net (This NOT my PayPal email !)
I have not at this time provided a zipped SD card image download.
This would be 3.5Gbyte which is too large for my well populated 5Gbyte web hosting.
In the event of very high demand, then I would consider increasing the web space
to 10 Gbyte and hosting a downloadable image.