6.3 piWebCAT - Database table - catcodesciv
catcodesciv is used on the server to communicate with the radio for buttons and frequency.
(None of its data is loaded to the client)
- rig The current radio - drop down selector (from radios table)
Must have same spelling through the tables. - description Descriptive text- no function
- code The link to the buttons table - use my defaults where possible.
Note that for frequency reading and setting, the code must FREQ. - abx A or B if there is pair of entries one for each VFO (eg: Mute RxA, RxB)
X if A or B not relevant. (eg:swap VFOs, Tuner etc ) See: vx and abx - rigadr 70 (hex) is the default on some Icon radios
- rpiaddr The controller address - use E0.
- cmdtype The Icom command type. Control data formatting. See CIV control fields
- datadigits The number of decimal digits in set pr answer data. See CIV control fields
- com The hexadecimal command byte.
- subcom The hexadecimal sub command byte. (if used)
- subcon4or6 The decimal sub command (eg: 50014) when cmdtype = C_S6_DATA or C_S4_DATA.
piWebCAT editor for catcodes is shown below:
Note the abx column:
If there are separate commands for VFOA and VFOB, then there are two records: abx = A and abx = B.
Thus DNR on/off as two entries and speech proc on/off has one entry (so abx = X)
See CI_V configuration - examples