8.4  Hamlib  - rigctl, rigctld documentation

This website/document gives examples of Hamlib's commands.
However, no attempt is made to republish the list of option settings and commands.

The documentation is at:  https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/libhamlib-utils/rigctl.1.en.html

From the Hamlib utilities section, Download and print:  rigctl  and rigctld   (pdf documents)

rigctl  is used to manually send commands from the Linux command line (ie: in RPI terminal)

It is invaluable in testing command strings on the radio.

rigctld  provides a TCP serial socket through which piWebCAT sends the commands to the radio.

Both of the documents have sections: OPTIONS and COMMANDS.

OPTIONS are startup settings for rigctl or rigctld. 

   eg:  -m (radio number)     -s (baud rate)      -r  (device, eg:/dev/ttyUSB0)

COMMANDS are the actual commands sent to the rigctl once rigctl or rigctld are running.

The OPTIONS sections are slightly different between rigctl and rigctld. 

In the COMMANDS section, the actual commands are essentially the same.

The --vfo option

  • --vfo is a startup option for rigctl and rigctld for radios with two receivers or VFOs.
  • It allows commands to be directed separately to the two VFOs.
  • Some radios use the labels VFOA and VFOB. Some use Main and Sub.
  • The position of 'Main' etc in the command is illustrated here by:  \set_level Main NR 0.500
    (Where NR mean noise reduction level)
  • --vfo mode is selected by setting  vfomode = Y in the radio's entry in the rigs table

If --vfo is used,  then  ALL commands must have a Main or Sub etc parameter, even if they don't use it.

For example: my RF power level control for the FTdx101D is:

       \set_level Main RFPOWER 0.500

 - Here Main is just a dummy parameter. RFPOWER is not VFO -specific.

 - I could have used \set_level Sub RFPOWER 0.5000