3.5 piWebCAT - Database tables - overview
For ASCII radios (Yaesu, Kenwood, Elekraft) and YAESU5 radios(FT920, FT747 etc) we have:
- settings A single record with fields for the current radio ( rig ) and for fast, medium
and slow tuning rates for mouse drag and thumbwheel tuning. (mwF, mwM etc) - rigs A table of radios with connection (via Encoder CAT or direct)
catcomms (CIV or ASCII) and serial interface settings. - timing The repeat intervals in ms for piWebCAT's repetitive tasks.
eg: read meter, send frequency etc - metercal The calibration table for six meters per radio (S meter and 5 transmit meters)
Each calibration is 20 points and is interpolated when in use.
metercal has its own editor page. - buttons piWebcat has 66 buttons. This table contains the settings that need to reside
on the client. (They are extracted from the database at startup) - catcodes Settings for buttons that need to reside on the server, for communication with
the radio. Also for frequency read and write with the radio. - sliders All the slider data - ie some extracted to the client at startup and some used
on he server for communication with the radio. - meter Meter data for S meter and Tx meters. Some is transferred to the client at startup,
some is used on the server for communication with the radio. - lookups Used for the numeric display of some slider settings when there is a non-linear
relationship between the CAT data value and displayed value. - bands Specify band edges for band display selection (NB: tuner scales are fixed)
- log Data of piWebCAT's amateur radio station log.
For Icom CI-V radios
Four tables are different: buttonsciv, slidersciv, catcodesciv and meterciv.
The above descriptions for ASCII radios still apply.
For radios configured using HAMLIB.
Four tables are different: buttonshl, slidershl, catcodeshl and meterhl.
The above descriptions for ASCII radios still apply.
The rig field is a text identifier for the radio, eg: 'FTdx101D', 'IC7000'.
It is repeated in every table record for a radio.
The piWebCAT editors only display the currently selected radio.
If the rig field is mis-spelt or corrupted then the record will not be visible.
Fortunately, you type it once in the rigs table and thereafter select it from a list.
In my example database I have CIV and HAMLIB versions for the IC7000.
They appear as two different radios, IC7000 and IC7000-H. (You can choose your own labels)
Likewise, I have FTdx101D and FTdx101D-H.
To set up for a new radio:
You must first define your radio by adding it as a record in the rigs table.
Then select the rig as the current rig in the settings table by editing the settings table
OR by using the top bar selector.
(The settings table has only one record which holds the current rig and other settings.)
Now, when you create a new record (button, slider etc) , your new radio will automatically
appear in the rig field.
The following pages discuss each table.
There is repetition because of the common fields between the different configuration systems.
eg: buttons / buttonsciv / buttonshl etc